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So far DGadmin has created 10 blog entries.

Mental health


Photo by Daniel Reche: https://www.pexels.com/photo/gray-scale-photo-of-man-covering-face-with-his-hands-3601097/ Today on our show, we focus on mental health. We will have valuable information from doctors Fabián and Audrey on the importance of mental well-being. In our segment ‘Your Story’, Psychiatrist Dr. Eduardo Castrillón will give us very useful advice to take care of our [...]

Mental health2024-06-28T06:44:54+00:00

Poorly controlled hypertension


Today on our show, we focus on a crucial health topic: poorly controlled hypertension. We will explore the risks and consequences of not properly controlling high blood pressure, as well as the causes and treatment of this condition. In addition, we will share the story of a patient who has experienced the [...]

Poorly controlled hypertension2024-06-18T01:47:42+00:00

Ulcerative colitis


Ulcerative colitis Today on our show, we delve into the topic of ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease that affects many people around the world. To better understand this condition, we will hear the story of a patient who has lived with ulcerative colitis and will share her experience [...]

Ulcerative colitis2024-06-19T15:14:23+00:00



Photo by CDC: https://www.pexels.com/photo/coronavirus-3992933/ COVID-19 Today on our show, we will address one of the most important issues of our time: COVID-19. To do this, we will have an exclusive interview with an infectious disease specialist, who will offer us updated information about the current situation and progress in [...]

COVID 192024-06-28T06:45:32+00:00

Cellular therapy


Photo by Kindel Media: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-man-examining-a-microscope-slide-8325974/ prix du medicament zopiclone Today on our show, we explore the fascinating field of cell therapy, an innovative area of ​​medicine with the potential to transform treatments and save lives. We’ll share the inspiring story of a doctor who has been a part of this [...]

Cellular therapy2024-06-28T06:45:21+00:00

Lung cancer


Lung cancer Photo by Anna Shvets: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-doctor-holding-x-ray-result-4225880/ Today on our show, we will discuss lung cancer, one of the most devastating diseases. We will have the participation of an oncologist doctor, who will provide us with crucial information about this condition. In addition, we will share the emotional story of Yvonne, [...]

Lung cancer2024-06-19T16:02:38+00:00



Photo by Andrea Piacquadio Alzheimer Today on our show, we focus on Alzheimer's, a disease that affects many people and their families. Dr. Luis F. Llanos will share the moving story of his father, who suffered from Alzheimer's. In addition, we will have the participation of a specialist who [...]


Dry Eye


Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/mascara-de-pestanas-negra-para-mujer-63320/ Dry eye syndrome Today on our show, we focus on dry eye syndrome, a condition that affects many people. We will have very valuable information from Dr. Fabian and Dr. Audrey on how to manage and treat this condition. In addition, a patient will [...]

Dry Eye2024-06-28T06:46:11+00:00

Multiple myeloma


Photo by: Ivan Samkov: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/manos-lesion-resultado-diagnostico-4989192/ Late diagnosis of multiple myeloma Today on our show, we'll be tackling a crucial topic: late diagnosis of multiple myeloma and how this affects treatment options. We'll share the inspiring story of a doctor who suffered from this disease and is now sharing [...]

Multiple myeloma2024-06-28T06:46:20+00:00
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